Saturday's news briefs


Registration available for school elections until April 19

Registration is available until April 19 to be eligible to vote in the May 20 special election for Centralia and Evaline school districts.

The Centralia School District is proposing a 20-year $35 million general obligation bond. The Evaline School has a two-year replacement maintenance and operations levy for $70,000.

State law allows people to register to vote between 30 and 15 days prior to an election, but they must come to the auditor's office in person in the Lewis County Courthouse. Those registering between April 19 and May 5 will have to vote by absentee ballot.

Registered voters may write, telephone or visit the office for absentee ballots up until May 19.

For information, telephone the Lewis County Auditor's Office at 740-1278 or 740-1164. Lewis County will assume jurisdiction and administer the Thurston County portion of the Centralia School District voters.

Cascade Elementary to begin kindergarten registration

Cascade Elementary School in the Chehalis School District will start its kindergarten registration for the 2003-04 school year at 9 a.m. Tuesday.

To enter kindergarten, children must be 5 years old on or before Aug. 31. Parents or guardians are asked to bring a copy of the child's birth certificate and a current immunization record to the school. Children need to have four doses of DPT, three polio vaccines, and two measles, mumps, rubella shots, and the hepatitis B series started by date of registration.

Cascade Elementary offers an optional all-day kindergarten and the traditional half-day session. For information, inquire at the school office or telephone 748-8853. Registration packets are available at the school, located at 89 S.W. Third St.

Toledo to start summer road project

TOLEDO — When the temperature rises this summer, Toledo will tear into its streets and the Washington State Department of Transportation will slow the cruising speed for highway traffic coming into and leaving town, according to information at Toledo City Hall and the Kelso DOT office.

"Unfortunately, there's only one road in and one road out of town," Toledo Mayor Elaine Bowen said. "It ought to prove interesting since it's going to happen in the heat of summer, when people's tempers are already up."

WSDOT will begin resurfacing highways 504 and 505 sometime between May 1 and June 16, said Casey Liles, assistant area engineer in Kelso for WSDOT. Highway 504 runs between Toledo and the Toutle area to the south. Highway 504 is the main route from Interstate 5 into the Mount St. Helens National Monument.

The 40 miles of paving should take about four months to complete, Liles said. Traffic will be limited to one-way travel with flaggers and a pilot car. Drivers should expect delays of up to 20 minutes, Liles said.

Work on Toledo streets will cause some disturbance in the downtown area as workers install new sewer pipes, Bowen said.

Mossyrock School District ready for kindergarten registration

MOSSYROCK — Parents who will have children attending kindergarten next year in the Mossyrock School District are asked to register them between Monday and Friday of this week. Hours will be from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily.

Children must be 5 years old by midnight Aug. 31. Parents are to bring a copy of the birth certificate and a current immunization record.

Minimum immunization requirements are four doses of DTP/DT/Td, three of polio, two of measles, mumps, rubella, and the hepatitis B series vaccinations.

For information, telephone the elementary school office at 983-3184.

On Wednesday, a free birth-to-5 and pre-kindergarten professional screening will take place for children in the Mossyrock School District; the screening is important but not mandatory, according to the school.

Children will be screened for vision, hearing, speech and language, motor coordination, learning skills, and social and emotional behaviors. Information on the child's school readiness and development will be presented to the parent or guardian afterward. Telephone the school office to schedule an appointment.