Set Your Rain Gear Aside, Sun Is in Forecast This Week


As one of the rainiest winters in recent memory comes to a close, the National Weather Service is predicting sunny, warm weather in Southwest Washington at least through Saturday. 

Temperatures should be in the low to mid-60s during the day, and the high 30s or low 40s at night. 

Some mornings will start out with patchy fog, but skies should clear during the day. 

Meteorologist Josh Smith, with the National Weather Service in Seattle, said the weather change is due to a high-pressure weather system in the upper atmosphere moving into the area.

“When you have that kind of higher pressure you have nicer weather,” he said. “We are looking at this going through the week.”

Clouds will likely return for a partly sunny day on Saturday, and rain clouds could make another appearance Sunday, Smith said, but the following week will likely go back to sunny, warm days.

“We are still looking in the extended range … at above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation,” he said.