Letter to the editor: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. should be banned from all ballots over residency


I read The Daily Chronicle news report: “Democratic Party will try in court to knock RFK Jr. off Washington ballots” (Aug. 19 issue).

Even if Robert F. Kennedy Jr. drops out of the 2024 presidential election (which he has), his name should be stricken from all ballots, plus law enforcement should bring charges against him for falsifying his residency on official government documents.

Just recently, a judge in New York ruled that Kennedy Jr. had given a “sham” bedroom address in New York as his legal residence when he has owned and lived in a California mansion with his wife and their pets. This isn’t just innocent fibbing for sentimental value. He knowingly tried to distance himself (literally and figuratively) from his running mate, a lady in California. The Constitution specifically prohibits both a president and vice presidential pair hailing from the same state.

Kennedy is a law school graduate. He knows that. He has by his own admission committed various crimes in his past. This one needs to stick and he needs a definite punishment, not just a slap on the wrist.


James A. Marples
