Letter to the editor: Support candidates who are qualified and dedicated to our American citizens


I just finished reading Sheryl Issacson’s Aug. 12 letter to the editor in which she begins, “The most important thing to think about during this election is: what do you want our country to be? Do you want it to remain a democratic republic that offers freedoms that no other country has, or do you want it to become a socialist and communist country like so many others?”

I urge every reader of The Chronicle to follow Sheryl’s wise counsel. Sheryl’s letter to the editor clearly offers readers a choice between our freedom and dictatorship. This is a critical time in our lives. It’s time to stop believing that our freedom is “free.” It’s not. There’s a growing threat to our freedom by a small group in charge of our state who have dictated that we have to support their illegal aliens.

The results in the primary election raised questions about Bob Ferguson. He’s the        “Democratic Party” choice for governor, so far. Read his statement in the voter’s pamphlet: “Bob understands democracy is threatened.” Then he takes a cheap shot at Dave Reichert who’s said he’s against abortion.

Whether we agree or disagree with his opinion, it’s Dave Reichert’s right to have one.

Ferguson has apparently decided that citizens who don’t go along with his idea of right and wrong is more important than what’s in the Declaration of Independence — that governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed and “democracy is government of the people and for the people.”

Ferguson has taken the oath of office three times before assuming his role as attorney general in past general elections.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the state of Washington, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of (name of office) to the best of my ability.”

Ferguson’s one of the small group of people who have dictated since May 2019 that our citizens have no choice, but to support thousands of their illegal aliens. That’s against our Declaration of Independence and and the idea that democracy is “government of the people for the people.”

Compare Ferguson’s statement of empty promises to Dave Reichert’s statement of proven selfless service to our people. Dave Reichert doesn’t have to list empty promises. Dave Reichert will be a governor who can be trusted to put American citizens first.

Support candidates who are qualified and dedicated to our American citizens.

Hey young voters: cast your votes for America. Follow Sheryl Issacson’s wise counsel. “What matters is what you want your country to be.”

We need 51% to make our future bright where citizens have a right to determine our futures, not dictators!


Frank Dare

Thurston County