Chronicle Facebook followers respond to post of “Tougher Distracted Driving Law Takes Effect in Washington:”


Phillip J. Elliott: And so because of a new law, we will get a reduction on our insurance premiums? And so by this law does this mean police of any kind will follow the law? I think not. They will still use their laptop, phones and radios because they are exempt of the laws the citizen has to follow.

Ann Stenbak Cole: Should add it to peds and bicyclists. I’ve been almost hit or hit them because they’re paying too much attention to their device But I have a queestion. Recently I almost drove off the road because my glasses fell off, which I need to use to drive, while getting them back on. Does that mean, under this new law, I could get a ticket for something like that?

Adam Mason: What’s next? Government cameras in our vehicles? For our own good and safety.

Chronline Comments

• Story: Tougher Distracted Driving Law Take Effect in Washington

username: Robert Fleetmode

Most are familiar with accidents/crashes that occur with teens and their driving. However, there is also an issue with company/fleet vehicles. These vehicles spend more time on the road than personal vehicles. Because the driver is on the clock and working, they will try to “multitask” and do work other than driving when they are behind the wheel. Emails, phone calls, using apps and texting are often part of a drivers’ workload. While you may seek to lower distracted driving by increasing penalties, fees and regulations, there is another option. AT&T’s “It Can Wait” campaign is an advocacy effort to diminish distracted driving. They have an anti-texting app to be downloaded onto your smartphones. The app is called AT&T DriveMode. They make it available to all drivers for FREE! One area that is rarely discussed is that Washington has hundreds of state vehicles that inspectors, regulators and the Agriculture Department use as fleet vehicles, but they do not have the technology to diminish distracted driving. I would love to see Washington lead by example and use a program, like FleetMode, to block texts, redirect incoming phone calls, and impede all other apps in the state vehicles. If we want our state roads to be safer, let’s start by making our state vehicles safer.

• Story: Centralia Downtown Association Hires a Familiar Face for Executive Director

username: Mary E

I am SO happy to read this. I haven’t been keeping up due to some personal time-consuming projects. I moved to Centralia in 2008 and was enthralled by its lovely downtown area. Flower baskets galore. Businesses still booming, and many tourists on full sidewalks. One by one I watched the businesses close down, it becoming almost a ghost town. It had that feel anyway, the hustle and bustle and smiling happy faces had disappeared. Perhaps stopping at the outlet stores off I-5, but no reason to come into town anymore. Centralia downtown needs a big hug and warm and welcoming businesses may thrive again there. Many, many thanks for all the effort being made to not let this beautiful little town fade off the map. Very sincerely.