132409 MDNS The City of Centralia has received an application for the below described project development. By law, the City of Centralia is required to send notice to all property owners within 300 feet of this proposed development site. A previous Notice of Application was distributed on May 26, 2023. A previous MDNS was distributed on May 30, 2024. The project has not changed, but additional permitting is required, which requires new public notice. NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE SEPA #: 2023 0242 Date: December 31, 2024 Description of proposal: Construct two distribution warehouses, for a total of 778,632 sq. ft., and all associated infrastructure, in two phases. Phase I: Construct building A, 483,276 sq. ft., and all associated infrastructure, including public improvements, environmental mitigation work and compensatory flood storage areas. Phase II: Construct building B, 295,356 sq. ft. and associated infrastructure. Proponent: Darren Peugh, Panattoni Development Co., Inc. Location of proposal: sections 5 & 6, Twp 14N, Range 2W, vicinity of 1406 W Reynolds Avenue, approximately 50 acres south of W Reynolds Ave., north of Skookumchuck River and east of rail road. Date of Application: April 10, 2023 Date of Notice of Completeness: May 17, 2023 Date of Notice of Application: December 31, 2024 Lead agency: Centralia Community Development A public hearing will be scheduled at a later date under separate public notice. Project Permits: SEPA, Shoreline Substantial Development, Shoreline Conditional Use Permit, Building, Civil Plan, Rail Spur, Habitat Mitigation. Environmental Documents on file: SEPA Checklist, Geotechnical Report, JARPA, Shoreline-Wetland-Fish & Wildlife Habitat Assessment Report, Floodplain Analysis, Hydrological and Hydraulic Study, Traffic Impact Analysis, Drainage Report, Cultural Resources Study, No Net Loss Report and Habitat Restoration Plan. Known permits not included: Ecology Stormwater Permit(s), Archaeological Permits. The City of Centralia Community Development Dept. has determined this project, with mitigating conditions, does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the City. The proposal will include mitigation measures under applicable codes and the project review process may incorporate or require mitigation measures regardless of whether an EIS is prepared. This information is available to the public upon request. Notes and conditions: 1. Work may not commence until all required local, state and federal permits and approvals are obtained. 2. Pursuant to CMC 16.04.100.F and CMC 16.04.160.B, mitigation fees will be required for adverse impacts related to traffic, schools, floodplain, etc. that cannot be mitigated by development plan alteration(s). The exact amount of the fee(s) will be determined at the time of civil and construction plan review and must be satisfied prior to the issuance of any permits. 3. Future development is subject to additional archaeological study. All recommendations of the cultural resources study conducted by Archaeological Investigations Northwest, Inc., dated April 7, 2023, must be followed. Future development must be monitored by a professional archaeologist. Upon issuance of all required permits and commencing work, if archaeological or historic materials are encountered during project activity, work in the immediate area (initially allowing a 100' buffer depending on circumstances) must stop, conditions and recommendations of the Cultural Resources Report must be followed and the following actions taken: a. Implement reasonable measures to protect the discovery site; including but not limited to, covering, stabilization, etc. b. Take reasonable steps to ensure the confidentiality of the discovery site. c. Take reasonable steps to restrict access to the discovery site. d. The proponent shall notify the concerned Tribes and all appropriate local, state and federal agencies including the Dept. of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and the City of Centralia Community Development. The agencies and Tribe(s) will discuss possible measures to remove or avoid cultural material, and will reach an agreement with the project proponent regarding actions to be taken. 4. Future development must maintain the natural drainage path north-south from north of W Reynolds Avenue, through the existing culvert, and south to the Chehalis River. Civil plans showing compliance must be submitted and approved prior to commencing work. 5. Prior to commencing fill/grade work standard operating procedures must be submitted identifying training methods and qualified personnel to address potential fish stranding issues after a flood event. All discharge pipes must be screened to prevent fish passage to the greatest extent feasible. 6. Future mitigation may be required once operations commence to ensure the development does not exceed the allowable WAC 173-60 ENDA standards for noise. 7. Prior to final inspection or occupancy of the structure, a legally binding contract/deed restriction that maintains flood storage and mitigation areas in perpetuity must be recorded at the Lewis County Auditor's Office in compliance with the Shoreline Master Program section 6.12.b(5) This MDNS is issued under WAC 197-11-350; the City of Centralia will not act on this proposal for 30-days from the date of publication. Comments are due by: February 10, 2025. Comments and inquiries may be submitted to the responsible official at: Responsible official: Hillary Hoke Position/title: Asst. Director, Centralia Community Development Phone: (360) 330-7684 Email: hhoke@cityofcentralia.com Address: PO Box 609, Centralia WA 98531 The complete application may be viewed at the Community Development Dept. located at 118 W Maple, Centralia, WA 98531, during regular business hours, M-F. Any person(s) may comment on the proposal, in writing, via mail or email at the addresses above. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Pursuant to Washington State Law and CMC 20.02, appeals may be filed on the underlying permit action. The underlying permit action in this case are the Shoreline Substantial Development and Conditional Use Permits. Those permits are subject to appeal following the public hearing to be scheduled at a later date and under separate public notice. Published: The Chronicle January 4 & 11, 2025