601 results total, viewing 201 - 220
Many farmers lacked enough land to earn a living. Political upheaval brewed throughout Europe. And a failed 1848 revolution in Germany prompted more than a million people between 1845 and 1855 to … more
There are 201 soldiers' names inscribed in Joint Base Lewis-McChord war memorials dedicated to those stationed there who died as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Commemorations of the conflict in … more
In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to overlook the quiet heroes among us. Dr. John Henricksen, who recently passed away, was one such hero — a man whose life was defined by selfless … more
Thousands of people have brighter smiles today because of Dr. John Henricksen, and not just because he was a fine dentist in Chehalis for decades.  He certainly was a caring and skilled … more
From 2013 through 2017, Republicans led our state Senate and Democrats had the majority in the House. While it lasted, that break in one-party control of Olympia was good for the people of our state. … more
Recently, I had the opportunity to talk with ”M&M,” as I will refer to Margaret Garrett and Meredith Arseneau of Educational Service District 113 (ESD 113) up in Tumwater. … more
Do you sleep well? Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. After looking at articles about sleep, here’s what I found:  We all know that good sleep equals good health. We are … more
An unusual mound on the Boistfort Valley southwest of Chehalis proved the perfect place to bury early pioneers — at least until 1887, when a wealthy Canadian farmer bought the property, removed … more
I am an Organic Valley dairy farmer. My grandfather purchased the land we still farm in 1949, and I have a 23-year-old son, Jack, who is in the process of taking over management. He will be the … more
What happens when you walk a route that you’ve driven for decades? You see your world in a new and better way.  I recently set out on such a trek, strolling from Stan Hedwall Park in … more
During the first half of May, administrators at the University of Washington patiently negotiated with pro-Hamas protesters about voluntarily dismantling their illegal encampment at the center of the … more
I missed perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to view the Northern Lights from my backyard on Friday night, but I certainly enjoyed seeing all the gorgeous photos posted online. My friend … more
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so let's talk about this important topic. We all know problems in our lives can cause anxiety. Those problems can be relationship issues, pressure at work … more
Watching the past few weeks on college campuses has really been inspiring.  Seeing so many young adults acting like tantrum-throwing children just makes you proud, doesn’t it? And our … more
With candidate filing week now behind us, the 2024 election season is in full swing. Democrat leaders in our state are no doubt looking ahead to the August primary and November general election … more
In the past month, National Public Radio has focused on TransAlta and Centralia as an example of the right way to phase out a coal-fired power plant, the last such plant in Washington state. A … more
Blocking a bad piece of legislation can often be as important as passing a good bill. That’s why Republican senators took a moment to cheer a few months ago when, in the face of intense … more
Editor’s note: Republican Leslie Lewallen is a candidate for Congress in the Third Congressional District. The Chronicle has previously published commentaries from incumbent Rep. Marie … more
This is a deal that doesn’t come along very often: you can buy your very own pioneer cemetery in the heart of Centralia’s Fords Prairie, and it could cost you as little as $2,000 plus … more
Unfortunately, it’s animal fighting season in the Pacific Northwest. The Washington state Gambling Commission encourages reporting of animal fighting to help stop these terrible acts. Our … more
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