604 results total, viewing 61 - 80
It wasn’t long ago that Washington state lawmakers were awash in a multi-billion-dollar budget surplus thanks to a surprisingly strong rebound from the pandemic lockdown and a flood of federal … more
When I think of Daryl Lund, I’ll always remember his grin.  That was how he greeted everyone and nearly everything that came at him in life, I think.  Something about that … more
Of all the public policy issues legislators wrestle with, the issue of chronic homelessness is easily among the most frustrating. It’s frustrating to think of all the billions of tax … more
This editorial board was impressed by the words of Lewis County Public Utility District (PUD) Commissioner Michael Kelly, who has always said he was there to look out for the ratepayers.  … more
There are a lot of things that we may disagree on. That’s healthy. That’s freedom of opinion. One common belief that I think most of us do agree on is that if you work hard at your … more
Tribes in western Washington have asked the state to restructure the Fish and Wildlife Commission, which is standing in the way of true co-management. The 1974 Boldt decision in U.S. v. … more
Have you ever thought about the fact that we all have an inner child? Dr. Eric Berne, father of transactional analysis (TA), believed that our childhood experiences — how we were parented, … more
It’s always good to hear that these columns are appreciated, and recently I met a nice couple in Chehalis, Natalie and her husband Yvon, who said they clipped my column from earlier this year, … more
A lot can be said about the governor’s proposal to address overcrowding at Green Hill School in Chehalis by repurposing a vacant wing of the state prison near Aberdeen. Here’s the … more
Lewis County lost a legend last week with the death of Bill Brumsickle, a beloved and well-respected athlete, educator, administrator, state legislator and fundraiser for Centralia College. His … more
One of the best parts of local government is how connected we can be to those we serve.  As mayor, people contact me frequently to share their concerns and ideas. I often drive around town … more
On Jan. 2, I stepped off the treadmill gasping for breath and learned I’d flunked the test, but this failing grade could put a permanent period on my earthly life. Terror struck my heart … more
Our nation celebrates Thanksgiving in late November, as a nation, because of an October 1863 proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln. Prior to that, states celebrated on the dates of their … more
I waited a bit to comment on the outcome of the election just to see if in fact the world would end if President Donald Trump was reelected. Nope. At least unless you were one of those so … more
Washington’s agriculture is a $12.8 billion business with 33,000 farms — and it runs on gasoline, diesel and natural gas. The thousands of big rigs hauling crops and food products are not … more
Last week, I headed to the Oregon Coast for my annual trek with a personal history friend I met a quarter of a century ago. (Now that certainly makes me feel old.) Although she lives in the … more
For 10 years the former Sacred Heart Church in Winlock sat vacant. This Sunday it will again be filled with the joyful sounds of prayer, liturgy and life abundant. T his moment has been years in … more
Two days after the general election, a Democratic member of our state’s congressional delegation publicly offered this advice to Washington’s governor-elect Bob Ferguson: “If … more
It looks like the election campaign hasn’t stopped for Washington’s next Gov. Bob Ferguson.   What was his first public action after it became clear he had won? He held a press … more
Sitting in the Lewis County Historical Museum in Chehalis on Saturday for a book signing, surrounded by artifacts and living history in the form of three local longtime residents, I experienced a … more
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