1345 results total, viewing 141 - 160
I agree with Washington state Sen. John Braun of the 20th Legislative District in his Nov. 9 op-ed. “Let's go to work!” Braun has been allowed more than ample space on the opinion … more
The left hates the right and the right hates the left. There is no middle ground. I was a Democrat until King Obama and Queen Inslee took office, and then I opened my eyes and became a … more
Letter writer Trisha Reeves thinks landlords are greedy. When the cost of doing business increases because of changes in supply and demand or because some elitist government agency requires … more
Last week, I headed to the Oregon Coast for my annual trek with a personal history friend I met a quarter of a century ago. (Now that certainly makes me feel old.) Although she lives in the … more
I think letter writer Shirley Lewis has an excellent suggestion on improving the operation of the assessor’s office. My own idea was to provide the comparables with the notice of new values … more
I am concerned about the future of Washington under newly-elected governor Bob Ferguson. His last speech was nothing but an attack of Donald Trump and what he plans to counter-defeat. … more
I would like to give a “shoutout” to the Lewis County Public Works Department for their response to a situation I brought to light a couple weeks ago. I live near the end of Lucas … more
For 10 years the former Sacred Heart Church in Winlock sat vacant. This Sunday it will again be filled with the joyful sounds of prayer, liturgy and life abundant. T his moment has been years in … more
Two days after the general election, a Democratic member of our state’s congressional delegation publicly offered this advice to Washington’s governor-elect Bob Ferguson: “If … more
It looks like the election campaign hasn’t stopped for Washington’s next Gov. Bob Ferguson.   What was his first public action after it became clear he had won? He held a press … more
In the aftermath of the recent presidential election, Donald Trump declared, predictably, that “the greatest political movement of all time” had scored a “victory that our country … more
This is my opinion and no one else’s. It’s come to my attention that after COVID-19 shutdowns where people were told they didn’t have to pay rent that, now, since things have … more
Apparently The Chronicle decided to take sides in this year’s elections. The Chronicle chose to report an allegation by the Public Disclosure Commission against the Washington Republican … more
I’ve been a subscriber to The Chronicle for too many years to count, and I am a former Chronicle employee and columnist. I’ve thought of The Chronicle as a newspaper that proudly … more
Sitting in the Lewis County Historical Museum in Chehalis on Saturday for a book signing, surrounded by artifacts and living history in the form of three local longtime residents, I experienced a … more
Shortly before the vote that ended the Machinists’ strike against Boeing, an unprecedented group of 53 manufacturing association and state chamber of commerce leaders from 42 states signed on … more
After such a harrowing election, everyone's got questions. Some spring from anguish, such as one I keep hearing here in the blue bubble: "What country am I living in?" Others are more … more
A majority of American voters have put our nation on a more conservative path. As a conservative, I will be glad to see the changes that are coming from Montana to Florida. In contrast, a … more
Many parents in Centralia have recently become aware of a book assigned in a freshman literature class at Centralia High School that some consider inappropriate for young students. After looking into … more
I was saddened to hear about the attacks on a local restaurant because they bravely chose to stand up for their sincerely held religious beliefs. While being accused of bigotry, they were … more
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