Cheese Days Plate Packed Full for This Weekend in Toledo

By Isabel Vander Stoep /
Posted 7/6/22

After more than a century of celebrating cheese, the charcuterie board of events slated for Toledo Cheese Days this weekend is packed full, with the event finally returning back to its full glory …

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Cheese Days Plate Packed Full for This Weekend in Toledo


After more than a century of celebrating cheese, the charcuterie board of events slated for Toledo Cheese Days this weekend is packed full, with the event finally returning back to its full glory after a hiatus in 2020 and an abbreviated version in 2021.

Because the Lewis County Senior Centers and the Toledo High School tennis courts were closed at this time last year, the event did not have a tennis tournament or the traditional Saturday morning pancake breakfast.

Now, all is right with the cheese world.

This year’s grand marshals, or as they’re called in Toledo, the “Big Cheeses,” are Ken and Joan Norberg, Gordon and Elaine Schillinger, and sisters Marilyn Mansur and Peggy Ramsey. All the Big Cheeses are longtime Toledo residents with a long history of community service. To read more about them and Cheese Days, visit

Events for this year’s Cheese Days will begin on Thursday night.

Schedule of Events for Toledo Cheese Days:

Thursday, July 7

• Toledo Made, 1 to 6 p.m. in Art Gallery 505, at 205 Cowlitz St. Arts, crafts, gifts and products all made by folks who live in the greater Toledo community. Contact Di Morgan at 360-864-4ART or visit for more information.

• Toledo Thursday Market, 2 to 6 p.m. at the boat ramp.

• Cheese Days kick-off celebration, 6 p.m. at the Morgan Arts Center. With a toast to the 2022 Big Cheeses, enjoy a social soiree with music and hors d’oeuvres. Entry costs $10.


Friday, July 8

• 26th Annual “Cheddar Open” golf tournament. Registration starts at 9:15 a.m. at Newaukum Valley Golf Course. Shotguns start at 10 a.m. Four-man scramble. Contact John Sanford 360-864-6474. Proceeds go to the Toledo Lions Club. The cost is $70 per person with lunch provided.

• Toledo Made, 1 to 6 p.m. in Art Gallery 505, at 205 Cowlitz St. Arts, crafts, gifts and products all made by folks who live in the greater Toledo community. Contact Di Morgan at 360-864-4ART or visit for more information.

• Tennis tournament begins, 3 p.m. Toledo High School tennis courts. All categories of doubles and singles. Pre-registration is required for players. Forms are available at Betty’s Place or from Signora Armstrong, 360-864-2594. Balls are furnished. Trophy and ribbon prize awards. $5 entry per event. Lasts all weekend.

• Frog jumping contest 6 to 7 p.m. Toledo High School football field. Frogs available for rent. Cash prize for first place is $15, it’s $10 for second place and third place receives $5. Entry costs $1 per frog per race. Contact Adam Hackett at 360-508-1764.

• Bingo, 6:30 p.m. Check for more information

• Music in the street at 8 p.m. on Ramsey Way outside Donna’s Place. Featuring Chris Guenther and the Honky Tonk Drifters


Saturday, July 9

• Ham and all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast, 7 to 10:30 a.m. (or as long as the food lasts) at the Toledo Senior Center. Ham, eggs, biscuits, pancakes, gravy and beverages for a $6 donation.

• 22nd Annual Car and Motorcycle Show, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Toledo Middle School field.

The show will feature cars and motorcycles from nearly every make and decade. It’s sponsored by the Toledo Lions Club and over 150 local businesses. Download car show application form online at $20 entry fee per vehicle. Awards at 3 p.m. Contact Brad Dykstra at 360-508-3674. Food and vendors will be present.

• “Cheddar Challenge” race. Registration 6:45 to 7:45 a.m. at the Toledo Fire Station. Race begins at 8 a.m. This 3-mile run/walk for all ages is sponsored by Toledo Girls Softball. Entry costs $10 or $18 with a T-shirt. Contact Kristi Marcil at 360-219-3177.

• Toledo Library bake and book sale, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 241 Cowlitz St.

• Toledo Cheese Days parade at 11 a.m. This year’s parade theme is “Cheddar Days Are Coming.” Parade registration is ongoing. See registration forms online. All parade entries are assigned assembly and dispersal plans. Visit for more information.

• Free cheese sandwiches after the parade. Stop by the Presbyterian Church to get a free cheese sandwich from Market Fresh. Tours will be held inside the church for guests to see the stained glass windows.

• Barbecue at Toledo Market Fresh from noon to 5 p.m. Featuring baby back ribs, corn on the cob, salad and a roll for $9.99. Sponsored by Toledo Market Fresh.

• Toledo Made, 1 to 6 p.m. in Art Gallery 505, at 205 Cowlitz St. Arts, crafts, gifts and products all made by folks who live in the greater Toledo community. Contact Di Morgan at 360-864-4ART or visit for more information.

• Toledo Fire Department open house at 12:30 p.m. Cooling station, kids activities, meet a firefighter.

• Community auction at 1 p.m. at the Toledo Middle School field. Many handcrafted and business-sponsored items will be auctioned.

• Wine and cheese tasting from 4 to 8 p.m. at Steamboat Landing, 115 Ramsey Way. For 10 years this has been Vision:Toledo’s main fundraiser. Taste local wines, beers, ciders, chocolates and cheeses. Contact Pam Olmstead at 360-219-8861.

• Music in the street at 8 p.m. on Ramsey Way outside Donna’s Place. Featuring Darin Jones and the Last Men Standing


Sunday, July 10

• Church services begin at 8 a.m.

• Horseshoe tournament, 8 a.m. sign-up, Kemp Olson Toledo Community Park. Entries for three classes: beginner, amateur and advanced. Total payout each class. $5 entry. Contact Stan Spears at 360-864-2096

• All-class reunion, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Kemp Olson Toledo Community Park.

• Toledo Lions Club beef barbecue from noon to 3 p.m., at Kemp Olson Toledo Community Park. Join the community in savoring the best beef with all the trimmings presented by the Toledo Lions Club. Menu includes beef, baked beans, coleslaw, garlic bread, watermelon and beverages. Bring your own chair. Lunch costs $8 for adults, $7 for seniors and children.

• Lions Club beef auction at 2:30 p.m., following the barbecue. Pie auction begins at 3 p.m.

Bid on the delicious beef, breads and watermelons. The Toledo Volunteer EMS and Firefighters Association bakes pies. Proceeds go to the association.