Tara Hamilton and 11-month-old Ragan throw a pair of socks toward a chicken during the Independence Valley Chicken Races in Rochester on Sunday, June 25. Judges timed how quickly contestants, with the help of soft thrown items like socks and hats, could get their chicken to run out of a circle. No chickens were harmed. Proceeds from the annual event — which also included lunch and live music — help fund maintenance of Independence Valley Community Hall, where the event is held.
Emily Fitzgerald / emily@chronline.com
Nick Miller and River, 3, prepare to throw a pair of socks toward a chicken during the Independence Valley Chicken Races at Independence Valley Community Hall in Rochester on Sunday, June 25.
Emily Fitzgerald / emily@chronline.com
A chicken is released from its laundry-basket enclosure at the start of a new race during the Independence Valley Chicken Races at Independence Valley Community Hall in Rochester on Sunday, June 25. Each chicken started the race covered in the center of the ring and once uncovered, the contestant threw socks and other soft items to encourage the chicken to run out of a painted ring.
Emily Fitzgerald / emily@chronline.com
Devin Sundquist places a chicken under a laundry basket during the Independence Valley Chicken Races at Independence Valley Community Hall in Rochester on Sunday, June 25.
Emily Fitzgerald / emily@chronline.com
Young contestants watch the Independence Valley Chicken Races at Independence Valley Community Hall in Rochester on Sunday, June 25. More photos from the event can be found at www.chronline.com.
Emily Fitzgerald / emily@chronline.com
Independence Valley Chicken Races organizers Gary Wahl, Teresa Doll and Jason Doll pose for a photo during the 43rd annual event at Independence Valley Community Hall in Rochester on Sunday, June 25.
Emily Fitzgerald / emily@chronline.com
Tara Hamilton and 11-month-old Ragan pose for a photo with the chicken they raced with during the Independence Valley Chicken Races at Independence Valley Community Hall in Rochester on Sunday, June 25.
Emily Fitzgerald / emily@chronline.com
Swede Day Queen Grace Hills smiles for a photo during the Independence Valley Chicken Races at Independence Valley Community Hall in Rochester on Sunday, June 25.
Emily Fitzgerald / emily@chronline.com
Alana Wheeler-Doll and Ruby Close pose for a photo while manning Independance Valley Chicken Races sign-ups at Independence Valley Community Hall in Rochester on Sunday, June 25. Contestants had the option to bring their own chicken to race or to rent one of the hens raised by Wheeler-Doll.
Emily Fitzgerald / emily@chronline.com
Swede Day Princess Audrey Williams, Mark Fagernes and Terry Ruege run the Independence Valley Chicken Races from a stage in Rochester on Sunday, June 25. The event included a hot dog lunch and raffle prizes donated by local businesses. All proceeds from the event, now in its 43rd year, benefit Independence Valley Community Hall.
Emily Fitzgerald / emily@chronline.com
Independence Valley Chicken Races attendees watch as a chicken is released from a laundry basket at Independence Valley Community Hall in Rochester on Sunday, June 25.
Emily Fitzgerald / emily@chronline.com
A chicken reacts to having a sock thrown at it during the Independence Valley Chicken Races at Independence Valley Community Hall in Rochester on Sunday, June 25.
Emily Fitzgerald / emily@chronline.com