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In Focus: Civil War (Reenactment) Breaks Out at Return of Mossyrock Blueberry Festival
Civil War camp sites are seen during a living history reenactment in Mossyrock on Saturday. The Washington Civil War Association held its “Battle for Klickitat Creek” reenactment at the same time as the Mossyrock Blueberry Festival on Saturday and Sunday. The association reenacted battles and opened their camps up to attendees.
Jared Wenzelburger / jared@chronline.com
Blueberry plants are seen on a sunny Saturday in Mossyrock.
Jared Wenzelburger / jared@chronline.com
Vehicles sit on display across fields in Mossyrock on Saturday during a car show.
Jared Wenzelburger / jared@chron
Dean Darnell welcomes visitors to the Blueberry Blues Fest Car Show in Mossyrock on Saturday with signage.
Jared Wenzelburger / jared@chronline.com
Flags wave inside Civil War Camps during a living history reenactment by the Washington Civil War Association in Mossyrock on Saturday.
Jared Wenzelburger / jared@chronline.com
Blueberries sit on display while for sale Saturday in Mossyrock.
Jared Wenzelburger / jared@chronline.com
Rich Bright rides Shawnee, a 27 year-old Government Morgan, in Mossyrock on Saturday during a living history reenactment by the Washington Civil War Association.
Jared Wenzelburger / jared@chronline.com
Donna Burnett pumps her fists and gives two thumbs up after winning a 4K television set carried by Austin Farnsworth and Bruce Marshall Saturday in Mossyrock.
Jared Wenzelburger / jared@chronline.com
A canon sits on display in Mossyrock on Saturday as other fire off in the distance.
Jared Wenzelburger / jared@chronline.com
Mopars park with hoods up on display in Mossyrock on Saturday during a car show.