In Focus: Opponents of Tenino Area Sex Offender Housing Gather Near Proposed Facility
From left, Kathy Taylor, Suzanne Brown, Rachelle Reinitz, a neighbor who brought extra signs and wished to stay anonymous, and Kim Crist who lives across the street, gather for a demonstration outside of the Supreme Living facility located at 2813 140th Ave. SW in Tenino on Wednesday. Officials with the state were scheduled to hold a webinar to address the concerns of area residents on Wednesday night. Coverage of the webinar will be included in Saturday’s edition of The Chronicle.
Jared Wenzelburger /
Sun shines behind a sign for the Maytown Community Playground, which is located next door to the Supreme Living facility, on Wednesday.
Jared Wenzelburger /
A Supreme Living facility located at 2813 140th Ave. SW is seen beyond the Maytown Community Playground near Tenino on Wednesday.
Jared Wenzelburger /
Kim Crist, who lives across the street from the Supreme Living facility, looks to put up signage above a live trail camera facing out from her property Wednesday morning.
Jared Wenzelburger /
Signs are hung on poles and trees surrounding the Supreme Living facility located at 2813 140th Ave. SW in Tenino on Wednesday.
Jared Wenzelburger /
Signs are hung on trees surrounding the Supreme Living facility located at 2813 140th Ave. SW in Tenino on Wednesday.