Visitors mingle with vendors during the Washington State Garlic Fest at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds on Friday, Aug. 25. The festival, held each year on the weekend following the Southwest Washington Fair, was open Friday through Saturday. Learn more about the event online at
Jared Wenzelburger /
Kim “The Ice Cream Lady” Daniels holds up a garlic flavored dairy treat during Garlic Fest at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds on Friday, Aug. 25.
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The Pack family smiles for a photo during Garlic Fest at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds on Friday, Aug. 25.
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Garlic sits on display in wooden boxes during Garlic Fest at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds on Friday, Aug. 25.
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Vampire themed decor and merchandise sits on display during Garlic Fest at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds on Friday, Aug. 25.
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Marleen J. Cords, of ManJa Creations, holds up “Mama’s Marinara,” and smiles for a photo during Garlic Fest at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds on Friday, Aug. 25.
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Bonnie Canaday and Lee Coumbs smile for a photo while selling “Lee’s Magnificent Garlic,” with proceeds benefiting Lewis County Work Opportunity during Garlic Fest at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds on Friday, Aug. 25.
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From left, Brandy Schultz, Elizabeth Greenwood and Lydia Tobin smile for a photo in front of the J&L Ears and Rootbeer food cart during Garlic Fest at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds on Friday, Aug. 25.
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Ken Trombley, the BaLunatic, makes inflatable creations during Garlic Fest at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds on Friday, Aug. 25.
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From left, Bryan Porter, Cathy Garske and David Whittbank smile for a photo during Garlic Fest at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds on Friday, Aug. 25.
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Howie Griffith, of Centralia, tries a sample during Garlic Fest at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds on Friday, Aug. 25.
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