Jimmy Justice, of Centralia, was named Mr. Lewis County 2024 on Saturday, Aug. 31, during a Lewis County Quartermilers car meet in Centralia’s Fairway Center. Veterans Memorial Museum Executive Director Chip Duncan gave away “Mr. Squishy,” a “roadkill” taxidermy squirrel beer holder, to Justice, one of the three men competing in the Mr. Lewis County contest during the Cruizin to Good Buzz car meet held by the Lewis County Quartermilers car club. The three contestants included Frank Aker, Justice and last year’s winner, Tom Craswell.
Owen Sexton/owen@chronline.com
Veterans Memorial Museum Executive Director Chip Duncan prepares to give away "Mr. Squishy," a "roadkill" taxidermy squirrel beer holder, to one of the three men competing in the Mr. Lewis County contest on Saturday, Aug. 31 in Centralia's Fairway Center during a Cruizin to Good Buzz car meet held by the Lewis County Quartermilers car club. The three contestants included, from the left in the Metallica shirt, Frank Aker, Jimmy Justice in the Rainier beer shirt and last year's winner, Tom Craswell, sporting a checkered flag outfit.