Letter to the editor: Chronicle leans too far to the right


I’ve been a subscriber to The Chronicle for too many years to count, and I am a former Chronicle employee and columnist.

I’ve thought of The Chronicle as a newspaper that proudly says on the front page, “Serving our community since 1889.” But I believe that is no longer true.

I don’t know what the agenda is of the current owner and publisher, Chad Taylor, or what has happened to the editorial mission statement where The Chronicle states that “we will strive to be the voice of reason” and “provide a balance of opinions.”

But I believe that The Chronicle has truly “jumped the shark.”

In my view, our community newspaper no longer reflects its original concept but has become the political propaganda arm of Sen. John Braun and dominated by him. As late as Saturday, Nov. 9, Sen. Braun had over a half page of commentary on the Opinion page.

I wish I had kept track of the number of column inches given to Sen. Braun in the past year or two. However, it is seemingly almost a weekly occurrence that there is an editorial or commentary by Sen. Braun that appears in the pages of The Chronicle, not counting news articles and photos.

But enough is enough.

Moderation is a good thing. The Chronicle is becoming satiated by Sen. Braun’s views.

Of course, Sen. Braun has his right to his opinions, which are almost always praising the Republicans and demonizing the Democrats in the Legislature. Interestingly, though, he criticized the media in his Nov. 9 commentary, speaking about the shortage of competent reporters and a lack of informative journalism in this election cycle.

Et tu Brutus?

I would suggest The Chronicle adhere to its stated letter policy and limit Braun to one publication every two weeks, limited to 500 words (with newsworthy exceptions as warranted, of course.) Or, alternately, hire him.


Paul Crowner
