Letter to the editor: Chronicle should stop kissing keister and do better on the Opinion page


There seems to be a lot of misinformation finding its way into the opinion columns in this paper recently.

So much so I almost wanted to recommend a change to the section they are posted in all together to make at least something in the section factually accurate.

“Stoccastic terrorism by-proxy” would be a more appropriate term.

I understand a great deal of the readers to this publication are quite used to and enjoy disinformation, but don’t the journalists outside of Fox News and OAN have a shred of duty toward making sure the things they decide to print are factually accurate?

The commentary from former Sheriff John McCroskey from the other day I thought was my tipping point until I just read the letter to the editor printed for Nov 21. There wasn’t even an opinion in the entirety of the prose. Just a bunch of disinformation and insulting statements that came from some other right wing nut job.

The exact terminology and insults you hear daily out of the right wing echo machine, not a lick of the individuals own ideas or thoughts, just lib-owning crap. I’m not upset because it expresses right wing view points so much as I expect to run across a lot of them living in Lewis County, but the fact that the opinion section is being used to express what grievances Tucker Carlson has been airing on his show for the last few incarnations of it.

While it is humourous to read someone referring to a man as a “queen” and accuse those he is critical of of having difficulties in their abilities to identify what gender a person is, the Dunning Krueger effect is a real thing, newspaper people.

Just because they are confident sounding when they say things didn’t mean they have anything to say that’s worth printing or reading. Stop kissing keister and do better.


Brian Slater
