Letter to the Editor: Comments on The Chronicle’s Opinion Page


I have a few comments about your Opinion page. On Jan. 6, the commentary by John McCroskey about stupid to choose. From someone who ends every column with a statement that he was Lewis County sheriff’s for 10 years, I would have expected that he studied law enforcement. If he thinks that IRS rules are stupid, he should hire a psychic to contact All Capone to see what he thought of it. The same mobster who was sent to prison in 1932 for tax evasion.

The other comment that I have is the recent use of all these “directors” from the Washington Policy Center for guest commentary articles. The least the paper could do is let the readers know that this is a conservative think tank based in Seattle. Yes, the same Seattle that a lot of Lewis County people think has ruined the state. Their stated mission is to promote sound public policy based on free market solutions. This sounds really good but actually means almost nothing as they will decide what the policy is to be. You can go to their website and see most of their comments are old and every page I saw was asking for donations.


Roy Relethford
