Letter to the Editor: In Defense of  Dairy Farmers 


On what I can only assume was a self-righteous high, Karyn (a Seattleite) wrote a letter to the editor published on Dec. 26 that is sure to be offensive to anyone in agriculture, accusing dairymen of animal abuse. 

Coming from a dairy farming family, I could not allow for this insulting and baseless lie to remain without refute.

Dairymen have been honing their practices to promote animal welfare and environmental conservation for centuries, with valid and viable reasoning behind every decision. We take pride in our work, in our herds and in our community. We, as an industry, treat our cows with respect — dairymen are the most patient, gentle people I’ve met. We love cows and create a beautiful home for the creatures we raise.

If this were not the case, we would not be in this industry. 

Therefore, Karyn, please do research before putting your unfounded vehemence into permanent ink. Please talk to your local dairy farmer — albeit these are becoming few and far between because of Seattle’s dystopian ideals permeating state policy. These dairy families are more than happy to explain practices because we are keeping no secret: We love what we do and we firmly believe in maintaining and improving best practices.

Additionally, real dairy is actually more sustainable and nutritious than any “alternative” product yuppies try to use to fuel their narrative.


Natalie Doelman
