Letter to the Editor: Murphy Is a Man of Great Integrity, Honesty and Truthfulness


My name is George Gill, and I was born and raised in Lewis County. I grew up in the Jackson Prairie area, known as Napavine, and attended Napavine schools through eighth grade. I graduated from W.F. West High School in 1968 and I am an Eagle Scout. 

I’m a staunch Republican and a proud member of the NRA. I voted for Trump, and I have supported hundreds of Republican candidates over the years in Lewis County. 

I started my construction company in 1987 and was very successful until government overreach became so overbearing that I decided to move to Montana with my wife, Karri. 

I have known Tracy Murphy for 17 years; he married my youngest daughter. Tracy Murphy is a man of great integrity, honesty and truthfulness. He is a conservative himself, and we get along very well. I’ve had the pleasure over the past 17 years watching him care for his family — my family. 

I enjoy spending time with my son-in-law talking about everything from God to the restrictive laws he and other law enforcement officers have faced over the years in Washington. 

Tracy has a unique ability to see the positives in everything and make something great out of it. Our visits usually end with a day at the range. Tracy is a master firearms instructor, and he is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to firearms. 

Tracy keeps himself up to date with the latest changes in law; we all saw that in the debate when he knew the changes to the drug laws and Snaza did not. How does the number one law enforcement leader in the county not know a law was changed a year before? 

I was very proud when Tracy called to share with me that he was answering God’s call in his life to run for sheriff. I believe Tracy Murphy will be an excellent sheriff and an asset to all who call Lewis County home. 

It’s time for common sense to come back to the Lewis County Sheriff’s Office, and Tracy is the man to accomplish that goal. We talked a great deal about his platform of fiscal responsibility, staffing recruitment and retention, serving the citizens of the East End and restoring valuable programs. 

Tracy will find ways to accomplish these goals by cutting unnecessary spending, and it sounds like he has uncovered a lot of unnecessary spending. As Republicans, we have cried out for reform and term limits. This sheriff’s race is a prime example. When individuals are in office too long, it becomes about themselves and less about the public they are voted in to serve. 

While I have no vote in this race, I make this appeal to my friends and family back in Washington to join in with retired sheriff Steve Mansfield and vote for Tracy Murphy for sheriff.

It’s time for change.

George Gill,

Big Arm, Montana