Letter to the Editor: Reporter Should Cite Source on Masks or Provide Herself New Title


I read the article written by Reporter Claudia Yaw in the May 8 edition of The Chronicle.

I found it to be an interesting piece of liberal propaganda written by an obvious expert in epidemiology.

The reporter used the term “false claims” in describing the Winlock mayor’s refusal to wear a mask and the effectiveness of face coverings. And yes, she attributed her opinions to “health officials.” I am not sure if Ms. Yaw has noticed the many different opinions concerning the health benefits of wearing masks. Some folks say they are a good thing. Some say they aren’t. Some have said both as they talk out of both sides of their faces.

Who do we believe? Mask enforcers such as Ms. Yaw? Maybe if the reporter is going to quote medical sources she should reference them? On the other hand, maybe she should include her title, such as Claudia Yaw, MD, chief of epidemiology at the Rocco Rinse-it School of Medicine and Journalism?


Dave Germain
