For the past 50 years the Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason and Thurston Counties has helped thousands of low-income citizens with their needs for housing, energy, employment, etc.
The last three years have been a time of particular need and the Community Action Council has stepped forward, as a leader, to help assure that such vital services continue to be available. The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging, to say the least. This work has come with many champions and, on rare occasions, detractors. But our focus has remained on providing high quality, low barrier services which address the causes and conditions of poverty.
We are excited as we move into this new year to share our deepening commitment to the communities we serve. Part of that commitment is to ensure people have access to accurate information about the services we provide. We invite everyone to learn more about our programs by visiting our new website at Our most recent audit is also available for all to view on this website. We also extend an invitation to attend our fifth annual Rise and Shine Breakfast on Tuesday, May 23.
Please see our website for further details.
We acknowledge the importance of the communities’ voices and experiences in the work we do. In the coming months, we will be conducting a comprehensive Community Needs Assessment to help us identify ways we can continue to best meet the needs of the Lewis, Mason and Thurston County areas. We will continue to share ways people can participate in our work and receive services on our website.
As we all repair and rebuild over the coming years we will continue to dedicate our focus to serving, advocating for and championing work to address the systemic issues of poverty. We look forward to doing this in partnership with the governments and other entities in the communities we serve.
Heather Leidner
On behalf of The Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason and Thurston Counties Board of Directors