Lewis County Seniors to Host First Annual Poker Run on July 16


The Lewis County Seniors nonprofit will host its first annual Poker Run on Saturday, July 16, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Participants can build their poker hand by selecting cards from a deck at each of the six senior center locations.

Participants are allowed to drive anything they want but are encouraged to choose a “fun” vehicle. Each site will have an activity and theme so participants are encouraged to pay attention and rate their experience. Individual centers are competing for prizes of their own based on participant votes.

Registered participants will select a senior center to start and move to different centers while using an official participant sheet before returning to the Twin Cities Senior Center by 3 p.m. on July 16.

The best poker hand turned in by 3 p.m. will be declared the winner. Registrations prior to July 1 guarantee a T-shirt for participants.

All proceeds from the event go toward senior nutrition and enrichment program opportunities and the Lewis County Seniors nonprofit organization.

Register for the Poker Run at LewisCountySeniors.org/PokerRun. For more information, call the Lewis County Seniors office at 360-748-0061.