Reopening of Lewis County Senior Centers Pushed Back Two Weeks


Lewis County senior centers won’t reopen next week, after Lewis County Seniors pushed back its tentative plan to resume in-person activities until after July 4. 

The much-anticipated reopening of the centers has already ignited outrage in some local seniors, who have been pushing for a faster return socialization. 

In a Facebook post, Lewis County Seniors announced that the county and Infection Prevention and Antimicrobial Consultants — which has been working with schools and other facilities to safely reopen — is helping with the reopening process.

“Lewis County Seniors will need a little more time to complete all that is necessary to make the building safe for our senior participants,” the post reads. “This includes extensive cleaning of the buildings and servicing of all the HVAC systems.”

While local seniors have the highest rate of vaccination against COVID-19, Lewis County as a whole is falling behind the state, with a relatively low vaccination rate.