Thurston County Deputy Derek Sanders Launches Campaign for Sheriff


Thurston County Sheriff’s Office deputy Derek Sanders filed paperwork with the Public Disclosure Commission to launch a campaign for Thurston County sheriff on April 5.

Sanders says he is running for sheriff in an attempt to reform, improve and rebuild the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office and move it in a new direction.

According to a news release, Sanders believes that after years of ineffective leadership, the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office has seen mismanagement, low employee morale and record-high vacancies.

These factors, Sanders opined, have played into decreased public safety, an erosion of trust and a lack of community partnerships.

For the last six years, he has served the county as a sheriff’s deputy, and as a community service officer with the Lacey Police Department before that. He feels he understands the needs of the community at large, and due to the changes he’s seen, he wants to help the county’s population adapt to the times, according to the release.

Sanders stated that law enforcement can be impactful and even life-altering, signaling that he wants to ensure residents get treated equitably and with the respect they deserve while delivering high-quality services.

Sanders grew up in Thurston County and attended its public schools as he watched the county’s community grow and change.

A victim of domestic abuse as a child, Sanders was forced into homelessness to escape abuse, he said. That’s when he relied on the resources of local law enforcement to get him through his challenges. He particularly remembers the “Shop with a Cop” Christmas program, which enabled him to do Christmas shopping for himself and his family with a police officer.

“I was partnered with a compassionate police officer who set a profound example of community engagement and service,” Sanders said in the release. “These programs that engage with members of the community in need change lives — it changed mine. Nine years later, I found myself on the other side, paying it forward by participating in the same program as an employee with Lacey Police Department.”

He said that as a survivor of domestic violence and homelessness as well as being a person of color, he understands the issues facing Thurston County.

“Our residents deserve a Sheriff who is transparent, accountable, and ready to face the issues of 21st century policing and community building,” Sanders stated. “I am running to restore trust, rebuild employee morale, and fight for increased public safety. We have the opportunity to improve peoples’ lives by delivering high quality service while being effective stewards for taxpayers and residents. Thurston County deserves better. I am committed to delivering results of which we can all be proud.”

Learn more about Sanders and his campaign at

Sanders joins others who have declared they will pursue the office of sheriff, including incumbent John Snaza.