130795 SEPA/SR 508 NOTICE OF DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) …

130795 SEPA/SR 508 NOTICE OF DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has issued a determination of non-significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act Rules (Chapter 197-11 WAC) for the following project: SR 508/0.3 Miles East of Bergen Rd Embankment Erosion Repair. The project is located along SR 508, between Milepost 28.82 to 28.90, Morton, Lewis County, WA within Township 13N, Range 4E. This project will construct two engineered log jams (ELJs) composed of 32 logs in the Tilton River along SR 508. The ELJs will be constructed to protect the roadway embankment from future erosion by the Tilton River. The work includes the use of cofferdams to isolate work areas, excavating streambed material, installing H-piles, and placing Large Woody Material (LWM). Construction is expected to start in Summer 2025 with approximately 50 working days. The traveling public may experience intermittent delays due to construction traffic and temporary SR 508 single lane closures during this time. Construction will include both day and night work. Construction will be performed within WSDOT right of way and the Tilton River. After review of a completed environmental checklist and other supporting information on file with the agency, WSDOT has determined that this proposal will not have any probable significant impact on the environment. Copies of the environmental checklist are available at no charge from Angie Haffie, Environmental Services Manager, (360) 946-7823. The public is invited to comment on this DNS by submitting written comments no later than Friday August 9, 2024, to Angie Haffie, Environmental Services Manager, Washington State Department of Transportation, 11018 NE 51st Circle, Vancouver, WA 98682. Published: The Chronicle July 25, 2024

Posted 7/25/2024