Application window opens for grants to restore salmon habitat in Chehalis River Basin


The Chehalis Basin Collaborative for Salmon Habitat is currently accepting applications for funding for projects that restore or protect salmon in rivers that flow in the Chehalis River and Grays Harbor.

In an announcement Wednesday, the organization said it will provide roughly $1 million in funds to projects through Washington’s Salmon Recovery Funding Board. Established by the Legislature in 1999, the board is composed of five citizens appointed by the governor and five state agency directors, according to the Washington State Recreation and Conservation (RCO) website.

According to the RCO, the mission of the board is to fund “elements necessary to achieve overall salmon recovery, including habitat projects and other activities that result in sustainable and measurable benefits for salmon and other fish species.”

The board does not have a maximum request amount, though the minimum request is $5,000.

According to the Chehalis Basin Collaborative for Salmon Habitat, projects can include:

• Planting native trees and shrubs along streams

• Replacing culverts that impede salmon passage

• Reconnecting side channels with a main stem

Eligible groups include cities, counties, conservation districts, tribes, nonprofits, regional

fisheries enhancement groups, special purpose districts such as public utility and irrigation districts, and state agencies with local partners.

While private landowners can apply for a grant, the Chehalis Basin Collaborative for Salmon Habitat recommends landowners work with a qualified organization due to the complexity of the process.

Those interested should contact Watershed Coordinator Kirsten Harma at 360-488-3232 or to discuss the proposal. Applications are available at under “For Grant Applicants” and are due by Feb. 28.