Centralia College Summer Theatre Workshop participants perform original piece


After three weeks of hard work spent writing, composing and designing their own original theater piece, local middle and high school students participating in Centralia College’s sixth annual Summer Theatre Workshop performed their original work on Saturday.

Titled “All That You Hold Dear,” this year’s piece centered on themes of life, death and family in America.

“Theatre is the space that many of us consider our second home and those we work with our second families. Our theatre family this year outdid themselves with a longer script, more original songs, and an outstanding set,” Program Director Emmy Kreilkamp said in a written statement about the production.

Between the cast, crew and different writing, composing and design groups, the production involved 29 local youth between the ages of 12 and 18.

Participants spent the first week of the workshop “identifying the themes they want to explore and determining the main plot points” before breaking off into groups based on their areas of interest, according to Centralia College. A writing/composing group worked on the script and songs; a design group determined how to best use space and costume the actors; and the acting group worked on monologues.

“At the end of the first week, we have a rough draft of the play and songs. By the start of week two, we have a finished script, cast the play, start rehearsing, and building the set. Week three is dedicated to rehearsal and tech,” Kreilkamp said. “It has been a joy to work with such a talented, lively, and dedicated group this year, many of whom returned from last year and the years before.”

To see live streams of Saturday’s two performances of “All That You Hold Dear” and for more information about the theater programs at Centralia College, visit https://www.centralia.edu/pathways/arts-humanities/drama.aspx