Centralia Man Accused of Strangling Brother


A Lewis County Superior Court judge has ordered a mental health evaluation for a Centralia man accused of strangling his brother Saturday morning.

The man, Joseph Raymond Whearty, 40, allegedly placed his brother in a headlock, causing “obvious injuries to his neck and shoulder,” according to court documents.

A relative of both the defendant and the victim, who resided at the same residence when the incident occurred, told officers Whearty “had been walking around the house and appeared to be upset about a marker (pen)” prior to the incident.

The relative said the house then “went quiet” before he “heard a commotion coming from (the victim’s) room.”

The relative reportedly entered the room to find Whearty holding the victim in a headlock, saying “it appeared (Whearty) was trying to get (the victim) to tap-out or pass-out,” according to court documents.

Whearty reportedly “complied” when the relative yelled at him to stop.

Lewis County deputies were dispatched to the scene and the victim was transported to the hospital.

When questioned about the incident, Whearty reportedly “denied being in a confrontation with his brother and said he couldn’t recall anything,” according to court documents.

A man who law enforcement identified as Whearty was booked into the Lewis County Jail at 11:30 a.m. on Sept. 24 and has since been charged with one count of second-degree assault, domestic violence.

The man did not clearly identify himself as Whearty to a judge in Lewis County Superior Court during his preliminary hearing on Monday. Because the man failed to confirm his identity, law enforcement will confirm the man in custody is actually Whearty before the case proceeds.

His behavior in court on Monday prompted the judge to order a competency evaluation to determine, if the man is Whearty, whether he is mentally capable of proceeding with the case.

An arraignment hearing is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 28.

Bail is set at $20,000.