Huckleberry Ridge fire is 100% contained, crews confirm Sunday


The Huckleberry Ridge Fire, which burned 300 acres on Weyerhaeuser land 20 miles south of Pe Ell, is now 100% contained.

“The Huckleberry Ridge Fire is going to continue to have some areas that continue to smolder.  Some smoke may be observed for a while, but local resources will continue to work the fire and monitor the situation,” the Western Washington Type 3 Incident Management Team said in a news release on Sunday. “Removal of excess equipment is going well including several helicopter sling loads of equipment from some areas. Repair work is nearly complete.”

The fire was officially downgraded from a Type 3 Incident Management Team to a locally run Type 4 Incident Management Team, which will coordinate the demobilization of the base camp and equipment, on Monday.

“The Western Washington Incident Management Team expresses gratitude to the community. and it was absolutely (an) honor to serve you during our visit,” the Type 3 Incident Management Team said in a news release.

No structures have been threatened by the fire. The public is still asked to stay out of the area while crews continue to mop up the burned area. A temporary flight restriction over the fire area is in place.

“Please check with the landowners if you need to know if the road closures are still in effect.  Currently, the roads continue to be closed immediately adjacent to the burned area,” the Type 3 Incident Management Team said Sunday.

A total of 223 personnel, including 11 engines/tenders and five hand crews, were still working the fire as of Sunday afternoon. Those personnel will be released over the next few days.

The cause of the fire, which was first reported at 3:45 p.m. on Sept. 4, is still under investigation.