Dennis Reeve, right, and Greg Okrasinski, left, troubleshoot an electrical track issue on the Mount Rainier display they both helped create. Okrasinski claimed that in this display there was over a mile's worth of model train tracks laid out. The Lewis County Model Railroad Club hosted a swap meet and show Saturday and Sunday in the Blue Pavilion at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds.
Owen Sexton /
A Santa Fe locomotive pulls model freight cars down track set designed and assembled by Ted Lavremore.
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Model train enthusiast Tiea Vaughn adds weathering to an N-scale model train engine. Many collectors do this to give the models a more realistic appearance and add things like exhaust marks and rust.
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The Lewis County Model Railroad Club Swap Meet was held Saturday and Sunday at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds.
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Aside from model trains, some actual train memorabilia was available such as these Union Pacific and Santa Fe railroad lanterns.
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Hundreds of people filed through on Saturday morning at the Lewis County Model Railroad Club Swap Meet to buy and sell model trains and accessories.
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Model trains of all scales were on display for sale at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds on Saturday.
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This storm trooper, along with plastic scale airplane models and puzzles were among some of the other items for sale at the Lewis County Model Railroad Club's swap meet.
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Among the items for sale included this vintage 1946 Lionel train control transmitter.
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Locals from all around Lewis County gathered at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds for the Lewis County Model Railroad Club's swap meet.
Owen Sexton /