Letter: Dell’s Children Center Owner Thanks Community After Providing Childcare for 52 Years


Dear Lewis County, 

As of Sept. 1, Dell's Children's Center became the Pacific Learning Center. I retired on that date as well, after 52 years of building Dell's Children's Center and contacts in the community. Throughout those years, I enjoyed the relationships made with parents while focusing on the educational development of their children. I have gone out the back door of my home into the childcare center watching three generations of children along with their parents go through Dell's doors. 

It will be an enormous transition for me, but a positive one. 

I was a single parent with three children when I came to Lewis County in 1969. It was my goal to have a childcare center that would be safe, loving and educational. A fun land for little people, a place where a parent could leave their child without worry. 

Dell's Children's Center has survived two floods, the Mount St Helens eruption, the 2007 through 2009 recession and COVID-19. I will miss the parents, but the children more. 

I will remain in my house adjacent to the center for another year, after which time I will be moving to Nevada to be closer to my children. 

The new owner is around the same age I was when I opened Dell's Children's Center 52 years ago. I am confident it will be a smooth and positive transition to innovative ideas, programs and enthusiasm. 

Dell's Children's Center has cared for the children in Lewis County for five decades. There would not have been a Dell's Children's Center without the continued support and encouragement from the parents who brought their children, residents and businesses. 

Thank you so much Lewis County. 

Marlene Arata
