Letter to the Editor: An Open Letter to Gov. Inslee


This is an open letter to Gov. Jay Inslee: 

Dear Gov. Inslee,

Almost everything your Democrat-run state government is doing is both evil and stupid.

I don’t expect you to agree with me, but you may need to reconsider your evil and stupid laws. Even Democrat voters have children whom they love, automobiles that they need and freedom they value.

Also, killing and physically mutilating young humans probably destroys many future Democrat voters.

Article 1, section 1 of the Washington state Constitution says, “All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just power from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.”

I’m pretty sure you swore to uphold the Washington state Constitution and the U.S. Constitution.

So, what is “evil”? Hiding children from their parents in order to provide “gender altering care” is pure evil, pleasing to the evil one, and will cause great pain and anger to those who value their family. So your government is attempting to destroy the family.

Evil is making Washington a center for unrestricted abortion, that is, unrestricted legal killing of preborn humans.

Why do you think it is a good idea to make illegal and deadly drugs more accessible, promoting the destruction of addicts? Why do you make laws that prevent our law enforcement people from doing their jobs? Why do you create a world in which shoplifters and lawbreakers are turned loose instead of punished? 

Crime and murder are everywhere, because of your laws.

What is stupid? Destroying our energy industry based on your clairvoyance, your wonderful ability to predict the future, and using the power of government to change the future. This is against the will of the people, and will wipe out our standard of living.

Did government invent the catalytic converter, the giant windmills or the modern hydroelectric dams? Does government invent or produce anything besides control based on force?

I’m sure you think of yourself as some sort of hero genius, but I assure you that your Democrat government is a product of evil and stupidity and reflects the action of dumb governing.

You will notice that nowhere in this letter am I accusing you, Gov. Inslee, of being evil and stupid. That is between you and your creator. This is your opportunity to hear what some voters think of the present Washington state Democrat governance.



Mike Kimbrel
