Letter to the editor: As a senior, an organization cannot tell me not to pray


Thank you to The Chronicle for exposing a real injustice toward the folks who try to enjoy some of the last remaining and earned good years of their lives. My wife and I were disgusted to learn that Carol Brock and the Lewis County Seniors organization have no respect for the freedoms of speech and human rights, and will affect people with more wisdom and common sense than these folks will ever know. 

It is amazing that these leaders would treat seniors as preschoolers by trying to dictate what subjects are allowable or taboo. If ever a ruling class needed the help of any prayers, they may be it.

As a senior citizen, I will not allow this organization to tell me I cannot pray, enjoy telling stories of my past experiences, my thoughts on politics, beautiful women, ugly women and men, or anything else. They do not have the right to tell me what to do or say. Please stand by our seniors. You will be one, if you are lucky.


Don Carroll 

Silver Creek