Letter to the Editor: Bhagwandin Is Best Qualified Commissioner Candidate


I support Harry Bhagwandin for Lewis County Commissioner District 3 and I have supported him since the primary in August when there were five candidates.

Why do I support Harry? Because he’s qualified for the job. He has a proven track record of working aggressively to bring our state and federal tax dollars back to our communities. To quote Harry, "We need to plan for good growth or we are going to lose this natural beauty."

As taxpayers, politicians work for us. They are basically our employees. If we were hiring an employee for a business, we would hire the best candidate based upon their resume. When we vote, we often forget that step. We pick our candidates for different reasons. Reasons that seldom have anything to do with the job they are applying for.

This year, I hope we will all research the candidates. I hope we will vote for the candidate most qualified for the job. This year, I will vote for Harry Bhagwandin.


Teresa Fenn
