Letter to the editor: By voting for Trump, will you set an example for your children of accountability to the rules?


I appreciated Brian Mittge’s June 14 column on the traditional virtues of fidelity and fatherhood. I can not say that I disagree with him or most of what he proposed.

I can say that in Lewis County I see many of these fatherly and motherly virtues and it thoroughly gobsmacks me to believe these men and women could vote for Donald Trump.

Trump and his life is the antithesis of Brian Mittge’s virtues.

Trump has been convicted in civil court of sexual assault. The judge in that trial says Trump’s assault fits the New York legal definition of rape. Twenty-six other women have accused him of sexual assault. In the Access Hollywood tape, Trump asserts his aptitude for sexual assault. So, fathers, a great example for your sons and daughters?

Trump has been convicted twice of fraudulent business practices. Once in civil court over the fraudulent Trump University and most recently 34 felony convictions for fraudulent business practices to cover up his affair with a porn star. An affair that occurred while his wife was nursing their newborn son. A fidelity role model there?

Most of the parents I have known in Lewis County stress accountability for their children. If the kids make a mistake or do something wrong, they ask the child to own up to it.

Trump is and has been all his life a master at avoiding accountability.

He has been indicted for inciting the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the Capitol and taking classified documents from the White House and keeping them when asked to return them. If he were innocent would he not want these trials to be conducted swiftly to prove his innocence? His strategy has been to delay, delay, delay the trials in the hope he will win back the White House and get “his”  attorney general to expunge the indictments so he can avoid accountability.

By voting for Trump will you set an example for your children of accountability to the rules?

We can debate what to do, but any father or mother who votes against every measure to address climate change is condemning their children and grandchildren to live in a hellscape. All the self-serving climate change denial and dissembling about gas prices will not change that fact.

Far-right Christians have appropriated Christianity the same way Al-Queada and ISIS appropriated Islam. Trump exhorting his “Christian” followers to commit violent acts on his behalf if he loses in November — “there will be a bloodbath” — is no less a bastardization of Christianity and incitement to terrorism than Osama bin Laden’s bastardization of Islam. Fortunately, November is the heart of the NFL season and it will be difficult to pry American men away from their big screen TV’s to participate in a “bloodbath.” 

A recent letter to The Chronicle suggested Trump is a “disrupter” who will “drain the swamp.”  and the MAGA writer insults men such as Trump’s honorable former Chief of Staff General John Kelly and says they are trying to stifle him because Kelly and his ilk are the real problem.

Trump is not a “disrupter.” Like Hitler in the 1930s, Trump is a political arsonist. MAGA’s stated goal is to “burn it down.” Pay attention. Their goal is to install in America a Putin-style, gangster  government headed by the vile, corrupt Trump family.


Marty Ansley
