Letter to the editor: Centralia School District cannot undo the past, but we can learn from it


When I accepted the appointment as superintendent of the Centralia School District in 2020, I knew there were past decisions and actions that frustrated many citizens.

Some of these decisions and actions did not seem to serve the best interests of the community and students, and for those decisions, on behalf of the district, I am sorry. As your superintendent, I recognize your concerns. I hear the community’s demand for a quality education.

We are working very hard to create an environment of academic excellence. We cannot move forward by dwelling on the past. We must unite as a community, set aside our differences and embrace a bright and productive future for our students.

The Centralia School District leadership team is fully committed to improving the services and outcomes for every student. We are committed to fostering a safe, positive learning environment, where every student achieves academic and personal excellence.

We cannot undo the past, but we can learn from it. We can unite to move forward. Total transparency is our commitment. We seek input and share information regarding academic progress. Your trust is vital. We are determined to earn it through our actions and student achievement.

Please join us on this journey. Please send your ideas, ask your questions, raise your concerns, volunteer in our schools or join a district committee. You and the community are critical to the district’s success.

I invite you to contact me at lgrant@centralia.wednet.edu or 360-330-7600. I look forward to hearing from you.

I continue to be honored to serve as your superintendent.


Lisa Grant


Centralia School District