Letter to the editor: Coming together as one nation


I am a conservative. I believe that the proven values, beliefs and methods of years past are still valid and are worth preserving. Significantly changing our cultural values, beliefs and methods should happen only after considerable thought and debate.

Conservatives, moderates and progressives are all involved in today’s debate over cultural and government change because we all enjoy rights to free thought and free expression, rights protected (not granted) by our Constitution.

There are politicians in positions of power today who are promoting fear and hate for political purposes.

I mean fear as in fear of “climate change” as “the end of the world” and hate as “unrecognized white supremacy.” When fear and hate become accepted in our culture, these politicians will use the force of government to address these “problems” of fear and hate, and change our world in a way that will eliminate our freedom.

If we Americans can continue to live in “the land of the free,” we must allow everyone to exercise their constitutionally protected rights, and we must realize that this means that we must allow our neighbors the same rights that we demand. If some are punished for their unpopular thoughts, speech or political positions, then all Americans have lost their rights and this is no longer “the land of the free.”

I observe that some Americans today are in fact being harassed and punished because their thoughts, speech or political ideas are contrary to the wishes of our current government leaders. This cannot continue in a free country. These leaders are attempting to impose a single-party tyrannical government on America.

If you do not recognize this situation as I describe it, I humbly suggest that you look in broader directions for your political news. I believe that many Americans are being brainwashed by this fear and hate campaign and the current government’s harassment and punishment efforts.

So, every citizen must begin looking at both political sides and they must begin to respect the rights of those with whom they disagree.


Mike Kimbrel
