Letter to the Editor: Concerning the Proposed YMCA Camp


I am a Lewis County resident and am in favor of the efforts to place a camp near Mineral, Washington. I grew up in Longview in the 1970s and attended YMCA events. For many years, I earned money to go to Camp Loowit on Spirit Lake. I attended camp for many years and learned the songs and lore of the camp life.

On Spirit Lake was camp Loowitt, a Boy Scout camp and Girl Scout Camp. These camps were removed from the map by Mother Nature over 40 years ago. The YMCA camp for our area was never replaced.

As adult leaders for Boy Scouts, we found that Boy Scouts are expert campers. YMCA caters to the non-expert campers. Every young person who attends camp remembers elements of camp life days.

Camp is where young people learn to paddle a canoe, sleep and cook outside. And many other things that may be needed in ones life.

My wife and I are in favor of the YMCA camp and the attraction to the area. Local shops will get additional traffic and restaurants will get more patrons.

Please think of the young people and giving them the skills and memories to help them be good citizens.


Noel and Corine Putaansuu

Lewis County