Letter to the editor: Consider toll booths to increase safety


For many of the tasks we encounter today, the solution will occasionally require some sort of driving, whether it is to drive to work, to our family doctor, to the dentist, for groceries, to visit family or whatever appointment may need a visit.

Being a city neighboring the ocean and mountains, it’s not unusual for us to have weather, including rain or strong winds, that can pose a hazard to our driving.

Due to the seasonal elements, I have found that driving in places such as the interstate can and has been an abnormal challenge. The interstate’s physical condition, the various on-ramps, the limited rest areas and the high volume of traffic can pose a challenge that makes driving more difficult than it should.

In an effort to increase safety, I believe installing toll booths will help regulate and create revenue to increase safety on our roadways. Using toll booths can be used in whatever method that will bring the greatest success for our town and our county and can be a step to further increase a safer future.

Thank you all again for reading and I hope this message is found helpful.


Poncio Pulido
