Letter to the Editor: Democrats Are Ruining Washington 


I’m not certain what the point of Dennis Shain’s most recent letter to the editor was. Is he suggesting that we ignore the law? Or are we being too lenient? Too tough?

My head spins at the thought of what he actually thinks we should do with law enforcement. Frankly, I’m glad we have the Bill of Rights that we have. I wouldn’t change a thing. As for law enforcement, I am thankful that we have the police department we have here in Centralia. The “Defund the Police” movement is now reaping the rewards of their stupidity. If you doubt that, look at Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, etc. There is rampant crime and little done by the courts. That’s one reason of many why people are leaving California in droves. Unfortunately, they’re setting up camp in Arizona, trying to turn it into a liberal haven, having forgotten what they just left.

 Unfortunately, this state is not far behind. 

We are led by a governor and attorney general who think they know better than the founding fathers by pushing the recent “gun control” legislation. What they’ve done is set us up to waste millions of taxpayer dollars defending the indefensible. The legislation clearly violates the Second Amendment, and they will spend years going through the courts, all the way to the Supreme Court, only to lose. And they know it. However, it gives Mr. Inslee a glow that he’s “given his state more safety” and Mr. Ferguson will run on a law and order platform for governor, telling us how he’s made our streets safer through this legislation that he proposed and championed.

There is currently an ongoing effort for a Constitutional Convention. The thought fills me with dread, because the left will champion all kinds of idiocy. Do away with the Second Amendment. Give animals rights under the law. Make 10-year-olds full citizens with voting rights. Revamp education to remove all that math, English, science and, of course, grades. Make it illegal to fail a student. Make “hate speech” a federal crime. Establish a Department of Proper Behavior. 

I think you get the picture.


Bruce Peterson 
