Letter to the editor: Editorial board fails with recent editorial 


On July 12, Chad Taylor, owner and publisher of The Chronicle, condoned and allowed to be published a one-sided and unverified editorial of questionable journalism written by The Chronicle Editorial Board about ethics and whistleblowers. 

This article went against everything Mr. Taylor professed in his Publisher's Note commentaries in the two weeks prior. This blatantly biased opinion piece continually blames Port of Centralia Commissioner "Peter Lahmann's supporters" for perceived "attacks" on the Port of Centralia's whistleblower/employee for instigating an investigation costing taxpayers well over $10,000, not to mention staff time and personal costs borne by Commissioner Lahmann. 

Lahmann was found innocent of all accusations. Still, The Chronicle Editorial Board chose to write about the unsubstantiated allegations of the whistleblower/port employee.

In a previous commentary on June 26, Chad Taylor wrote: "By appreciating the diversity of perspectives, we foster an inclusive and vibrant society where everyone's voice is heard." 

How hypocritical. 

Contrary to his words, Mr. Taylor is more interested in censoring people he disagrees with than providing the public with important information.

I, along with others, have watched for several years as the port, under the direction of Director Kyle Heaton, has continually worked to try to ruin the reputation of commissioner and well-respected citizen Peter Lahmann. And it doesn't go unnoticed that the port and The Chronicle Editorial Board chose this particular time (elections) to once again attack him.

It is because of serious concerns with the administration of the port that I formed the Facebook group "Centralia Citizens for an Open and Honest Port," a place where citizens can find information about the port that the port and The Chronicle fail to provide. We have over 785 members plus 86 visitors in our group yet, Chad Taylor and The Chronicle make accusations to discredit us instead of doing their due diligence of investigating and verifying their stories.

Chad Taylor also fails to disclose that his marketing agency profits from doing business with the Port of Centralia.

In conclusion, The Chronicle's Editorial Board says that they value whistleblowers. They should read this: "Whistleblowing means disclosing information that you reasonably believe is evidence of a violation of any law rule, or regulation; gross mismanagement; a gross waste of funds; an abuse of authority..." 

Therefore, by definition, the group Centralia Citizens for an Open and Honest Port and I are whistleblowers. And as such, have the right to be free from the Port of Centralia and The Chronicle's continued and unwarranted abuse and harassment.

Chad Taylor, using your very words, I say to you, "present both sides of a story, giving each one a fair chance to make their case."

Your actions betray your words. Do the right thing.


Jan Banevich 
