Letter to the Editor: Enforce Current Gun Law, Part Two


For Hunter Biden to receive a diversion on his gun charge goes to the heart of my previous letter to the editor on gun control titled “Enforce Current Gun Laws.”

This case deserves prison time for someone. Diversion is primarily used in cases to redirect the defendant away from formal prosecution for counseling or a program to correct behavior.

Intentionally lying on a gun background check is a federal crime. I have filled out the form and for anyone with morals the wording alone will scare you. 

The law considers an addiction at the time of the crime a direct reflection on the logic for why a person’s character is not allowed in defense of a crime. It’s the lawyer’s job to confuse people and use the addiction as an excuse while both are crimes.

Using an addiction for cover is pure subterfuge. Should the judge accept the deal, we will have a precedent set at the federal level for anyone charged with the same crimes. The joke will be, “I want the Biden Defense.”

He lied on the application, failed to secure the keys to the gun lockbox, allowed an unauthorized person to acquire the keys and subsequently steal and illegally throw the gun in a dumpster across the street from an elementary school. But no one goes to jail? 

All are crimes that warrant criminal charges, not just the lie on the application.

Why was Hallie Biden not charged? She admitted taking and illegally disposing of the gun; she broke several federal laws.

A FOIA lawsuit by Judicial Watch revealed the Department of Justice, FBI and Secret Service all knew about this incident since 2018. Whether this was a coverup or not, it appears as a coverup with five years of slow walking the case. As we are always told by the hypocrites, “no one is above the law.”

There were numerous chargeable offenses committed and the only charge applied is lying on an application with a diversion penalty resulting in no criminal conviction. 

Anyone who doesn’t condemn this ridiculously biased slap on the wrist is part of the gun problem.


Ray Anderson
