Letter to the editor: Hopefully senior center issue blows over to nice meals and conversation


I have no problem with the policy at Lewis County Senior Centers of no prayers from the podium or to the entire attendance in the room.

Private prayers spoken to oneself or in the moment of one’s thoughts — no problem. I’ve sat at big tables for meals that several have a private prayer or blessing for the moment and meal.

On talking politics, I would say OK, as table talk swirls around gardening, grandkids, food, prices in the art of living, etc. Be respectful to differing points of view. But not from the podium to all in the room at different tables.

We are all alike in that each has their own conversation likes and dislikes. Politics and religion are touchy areas, so as should be tempered, until in a political or religious setting, church or political meetings.

Hopefully this matter does not approach a tempest scale and gently blows over to nice meals and conversation between all.


Joc Davis 
