Letter to the Editor: In Light of Christensen Case, It’s Time for Citizens to Take Back Their County


A recent commentary by Bill Serrahn in The Chronicle brought up a very good point.

For years,  I have supported the idea of a citizens oversight committee for the Lewis County Sheriff's Office. 

For one thing, it would force transparency in all the sheriff's office activities. He and his staff would be held accountable for all matters that are less than acceptable.

A good example is the sloppy and negligent manner in the way the Aron Christensen death investigation was handled. There is no excuse for the officers involved to not be disciplined harshly.

The sheriff himself needs to be held accountable for such pathetic supervision over his deputies. When you combine an incompetent sheriff with a weak and spineless prosecutor, another murderer walks free.

I hope the citizens remember these two at election time. It's time for the citizens of Lewis County to take back their county.


Jerry C. Berry, retired detective 

Atlanta, Texas

Formerly of Lewis County