Letter to the Editor: Kudos to Pollock for Taking a Stand 


Regarding a recent series of articles published in The Chronicle, I would like to thank Commissioner Lindsey Pollock for having the courage to speak strongly and truthfully to the leadership of her party.

While I’m not a Republican, I am a proud independent and accept the electoral dominance of the Republican Party in this county. However, party leadership has become increasingly hostile, provocative and vindictive. I admire Commissioner Pollock for saying publicly what many of us have felt for years. Based on her recent statements, I will be proud to stand behind her in future campaigns for any public office. I only wish I could say the same for commissioners Swope and Brummer.

Given the recent outbreak of threats, intimidation and property destruction, I think it is time for all of us to declare where we stand on the important issue of inclusion in our community. No one is asking for special treatment, just for the tolerance and acceptance of their neighbors, and the freedom to live however they want, without fear. It’s not too much to ask.


Ben Kunesh 
