Letter to the editor: Labeling and falsely accusing political opponents and encouraging hate is destructive of our freedom


Jesus is quoted as saying, “The truth will make you free” and “Love God and love your neighbor.” 

If you believe Jesus’ commands, this letter is for you.

I recently reread Marty Ansley’s letter in the May 16 edition of The Chronicle in which Ansley attempted to label Donald Trump as an advocate of murder and other crimes.

Good practice normally suggests that distortions and lies should not be even recognized, as recognition may increase exposure. Unfortunately Ansley’s distortions and lies are also perpetrated in the internet and in the dominant press’s egregious misrepresentations, and may be believed by some voters.

Ansley labels me and other voters who supported Trump, about 80 million American voters, as “MAGA idiots” and “MAGA buffoons.” Trying to eliminate half of American voters by labeling them as idiots seems rather un-democratic to me, especially by a Democrat.

I believe that to allow each of us basic freedom, we must mostly trust one another to “do the right thing.” Labeling and falsely accusing political opponents and encouraging hate is destructive of our freedom. 

Additionally, a serious American value is the presumption of innocence when a person is accused of a crime.

I’m not sure if Ansley actually understands the inaccuracy of his claims of what Trump said, believes and did, as his claims are obviously based on distorted and inaccurate internet data.  All of Ansley’s statements against Trump and supposed quotes of Trump are intended to destroy Trump, and they are false. For the benefit of those who might be influenced by negative distortions and lies, it is necessary to openly declare them false.

The reason General Kelly thinks Trump is a “flawed person” is because Trump is a disrupter, an enemy of the “Swamp,” that is the status quo. Trump will drastically change our current tyrannical government. Kelly knows this. 

Perhaps General Kelly is part of the swamp or the status quo.


Mike Kimbrel
