Letter to the Editor: Letter Writer Points Finger in All the Wrong Directions


Once again, letter writer Mike Kimbrel has invested time and effort to pen an extensive letter with little factual basis to support it.

For instance, “Barack Obama and President Joe Biden are certainly succeeding in that ‘fundamental change,’ changing our freedom loving democratic republic into their tyrannical socialist government.” 

If one looks closely, Presidents Obama and Biden have followed the wishes of the American voters. The outcome of the midterm election shows voter approval.

“Our present Democrat-run government is attempting to change by ‘divide and conquer,’ that is label us and separate us into opposing interest groups, make us hate each other.“ 

If one looks closely, following a variety of news sources, such as NPR, BBC, assorted newspapers and news-oriented weekly magazines, the politically divisive strategy was initiated by the Republican standard bearer, dividing the nation by race, ethnicity, religion, gender identification, sexual orientation, immigrant status and even physical disabilities. 

And now his own Republican Party is divided to the point that they hit historic lows, tanked in a midterm election that all pundits expected would be a Red tide.

And “accusing conservative Republicans of being “enemies of democracy” and of being “terrorists” 

Really? You overlook the actions of Jan. 6, 2021, when the U.S. Capitol was violently attacked in an effort to supplant the duly elected government with the ex-president in a coup attempt.

Thirty-five Republican members of Congress voted not to accept the outcome of the 2020 election. As recently as this week, a Republican leader bragged that if she had been in charge, it would have been armed and successful. That does not sound like the stance of a friend of democracy.

“$5 gas, huge increases in crime, 8% inflation … all happening after Biden became our president.” 

This statement demonstrates a rather naive understanding of economics and politics. Firstly, the president of the United States has very little control over such issues in a meaningful way. For instance, we were told by the oil companies the diminished supply of gas and rising prices was due to all of the refineries shutting down for maintenance and cleaning. It is kinda coincidental that the five major oil companies all choose to do maintenance at the same time that they are also reporting record high profits. 

And did you notice how gas prices immediately started going down after the election? As for increases in crime, if you do the research, the highest rates in crime are in Republican governed states. And if you want to find the reason for record-setting inflation, look no further than record-setting corporate profits.

And any reference to fascism ignores that (except in right-wing media) all comparisons to the fascism that ravaged Europe in the ‘30s and ‘40s were comparisons to the autocratic bent of the most recent Republican president.

Me thinks the writer doth protest too much.


David Eatwell 
