Letter to the Editor: Lewis County Deserves Murphy for Sheriff


What’s in a name? All too often we put our trust in a name instead of what‘s behind that name. Sheriff Rob Snaza has been able to fool us the past few years with his charismatic personality, big hat, reflective sunglasses, crisp uniform and his fancy car.

Everywhere he goes, he brings a large entourage with him, which usually includes those who are looking to cash in on their support. For the first time in at least 30 years, the voters of Lewis County have an opportunity to break up the good ole boys club.

The sheriff’s race has a well-qualified challenger from a neighboring department who doesn’t have campaign promises to fulfill. Tracy Murphy would be stepping into the role as sheriff without owing anyone, without knowing who in the department backed him or didn’t, with a fresh set of eyes.

Imagine promoting employees based on their merits and hard work instead of campaign promises?

In a recent commentary written by retired sheriff John McCroskey, he talks about the quality character traits of Murphy and how that is sorely missing at the state and federal levels. What John didn’t mention is Rob Snaza’s character. I believe there is a great lack of character in a sheriff who has publicly lied to the citizens in the county he has been elected to serve as he did in The Chronicle’s News Dump podcast.

I read the letter by Centralia Police Chief Stacy Denham who exposed lies that were espoused by Snaza. I have also seen the letters to folks who have been dismissed as volunteers to the sheriff’s office by the same man who says in a forum, “we need more volunteers.”

Lying is a serious character flaw. Another character flaw would be his lack of public decorum when he doesn’t get his way in a public meeting.

His close friendship with Brandon Svenson, whose public display of vulgarity and assault were witnessed firsthand at the Republican meeting and was not stopped by sheriff Snaza.

How about his known ties to the Nelson family, who have stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from several people in our community? The Nelsons have also been accused of selling prescription medication.

Does it show character to drive only the newest and best car in the fleet while our deputies who work the road drive the older, high-mileage cars?

My list could go on and on. I am so appalled at his lack of character and of so many people who know of the lies, who know of the misappropriations of funds, who have witnessed the vulgarity and lack of response to situations, who know how disgusting, and dare I say criminal, this whole nexus has become?

I’m disappointed in the many I’ve talked to that are “privately” supporting Murphy out of fear of the sheriff. It only takes one strong spine to stiffen the rest. Our county deserves better. Our county deserves a fresh perspective.

Our county deserves Tracy Murphy.


Tamara Ferrier
