Letter to the Editor: Lewis County Republican Party Shouldn’t Be Attacked for Stance


The Gays Against Groomers Washington State Chapter proudly partners with various groups in the fight to protect children from indoctrination, sexualization, medicalization and permanent mutilating surgery. 

Often this requires working with people with diverse viewpoints and backgrounds. One of the first groups that reached out to our chapter when we were brand new was the Lewis County Republican Party (LCRP). They immediately invited us to come and speak at one of their meetings. It was a wonderful evening of meeting a diverse group of truly kind and concerned citizens of Lewis County. We were able to talk about who we are and what we stand for without prejudice. The leadership at the LCRP was incredibly gracious and thankful for our time. 

It is disappointing to see the LCRP leadership being attacked for working to promote Referendum 101 and for expressing that drag events should be for those 18 and older.

This should not be controversial. Children do not belong at Pride events. Drag events are not appropriate for children. Standing up for parental rights by advocating for the referendum on SB5599, which is a fundamental overreach by government and a direct attack on parental rights, is exactly what the people of Lewis County deserve from their LCRP leadership and is not in any way hateful or bigoted. 

While we are a non-partisan organization and are just as willing to work with Democrats if they share our mission, we appreciate our allies at the LCRP who are not only accepting of LGB and T individuals but are happy to work with us to better protect kids. We stand with them proudly in the fight to protect kids. 


Gays Against Groomers 

Washington State Chapter